Monday, February 28, 2011

I'm Just an Anonymous Girl

I hate "generic" conversation. That's when you're just meeting someone or happen to run into someone you haven't seen in a long time and the first thing you talk about is the Big 3:

1. Are you married?....if not, are you dating someone?
2. Do you have kids?......because a lot of people aren't married and have kids, nowadays.
3. What do you do?

So to begin my blog, I will not talk about these things unless it happens naturally. I feel like there's no originality anymore. And c'mon! Not all the good ideas are taken! Besides, I feel like these 3 questions can possibly be very judgmental. Just because your not married/dating, have children and work a low salary job doesn't mean you're unsuccessful or unhappy. It's all relative.

With all the above having been said...or written, people should really have better conversation starters. know what my favorite food is? Or life would be so much easier if it could be solved by pressing an "Easy" button (BTW, you have to buy one of those from Staples). Or if you had the choice between being spit on every time you spoke or spitting on people every time you spoke, which would you choose?......that's actually a question card from the game Zobmondo. But those choices are much more interesting and insightful. Whether you want to admit it or not, we all want to be entertained, otherwise why do we spend so much money to not be bored. And those questions are far more entertaining than the Big 3.